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Etničko organiziranje na iselenicite / Vtor meǵunaroden naučen sobir "Iseleništvoto od Makedonija od pojavata do denes", Struga, 20-22 noemvri 2003 godina = Ethnic organization of emigrants / Second International Scientific Meeting "Emigration from Macedonia from its beginnings till today", Struga, 20-22 November, 2003
Author: Meǵunaroden naučen sobir
ISBN: 9989229376
Pages: 163
Published: 2004
Language: Macedonian
Genre: Demography
Format: 24
Publishing House: Agencija za iseleništvo na Republika Makedonija ; =Skopje : Agency of emigration of the Republic of Macedonia
Price: €44.00
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November 20th-23th, 2025
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